What is Wooden Dummy Training for?

The wooden dummy represents a person to train with. The design of the wooden dummy is such that nearly all Wing Chun techniques can be drilled on it. First and foremost, the dummy is a positioning tool. Because the wooden arms are at fixed angles to the dummy body, the practitioner’s movements become quite exacting and  precise. All the ways of making contact with an opponent and the follow-up movements can be practiced. A formal set of wooden dummy techniques is taught by most Wing Chun schools. After this, a student is free to improvise. While wooden dummy techniques can be practiced with a partner, the usefulness of the dummy is for training when you have no partner. Chi Sau and sparring are also needed to develop sensitivity and timing.

The dummy is also used as a conditioning device to supplement the sand bag for training short range punches, palms, chops and kicks. The dummy’s advantage over the sandbag is that the deflecting movements of the system can also be practiced on it. Ideally, the dummy is constructed according to the dimensions of the user. A proper dummy reinforces correct stance, correct arm angle, correct stepping and correct power generation. Other martial arts cannot get maximum benefit from the Wing Chun wooden dummy design without an understanding of these concepts.

Wooden Dummy Training

Wooden Dummy Training